Pharmaceutical industry

Technical Parameters

PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRYThe pharmaceutical industry is the most important customer source of our latest series sieve extension. Our circular vibrating screen and airstreams sieve are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. In screening pills and capsule powder process, pharmaceutical manufacturers often encounter screen congestion and dust control problems. For sealing requirements, Zhenying can make more secure handling because it is completely closed by the highly polished, seamless interior design. GMP functions of these devices are designed for the environment of 100 class clean rooms.

Other applications

Antibiotic •Flomoxe • Bulk drugs • Hormones • Injections • Lipids • Lithium • Micro-spheres • Polypeptide • Protein • Steroids • Vitamins

Raw Material Densityg/cm3 Mesh Model Method Processing capacity
Herbal powder 0.8 80 ZYD-800-1s DRY 550Kg/h
Parenteral solution 1.0 1mm ZYD-800-1s WET 800L/h
Health food 1.2 40/ 80 ZYD-1000-2s DRY 2000Kg/h
Digestant 0.7 80 ZYD-1000-1s DRY 550Kg/h
Pharmaceuticals 0.7 20/ 80 ZYD-1000-2s DRY 800Kg/h
Vitamin C 1.2 20/60 /126 ZYY-1500-3s DRY 1800Kg/h
Xylitol 0.9 20 /40/ 80 ZYY-800-2s DRY 800Kg/h

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Lab testing sieve is made for the measure of particles size distribution and the determination of impurity content in solid and liquid,which is extensively used in scientific laboratories and quality inspection departments

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